Monday, February 08, 2010

Calypso Sheet Alternative

With the closing of our competitor Calypso, many customers are contacting us about alternatives to the 50x50 sheet package that Calypso offered.

With their deal, you could build a 50x50 inch sheet of prints (max size 10x15 per print) and you got the whole sheet for $115. For 8x10s, that worked out to $3.83 each, and for 10x15s it was $7.66 each. Of course you had to add your labor to trim the prints from their rough cuts.

That was a really attractive deal, but we’ve got an even better deal for you. Our sister company, Aspen Creek Photo offers 8x10s for $1.99 each (almost half off the Calypso sheet price) and 10x15s for $6.79 (a savings of 87¢)

But that’s not all! With Aspen Creek Photo, there is no need to build sheets. Order as many or as few prints as you need. They come fully trimmed so they save you labor, and we offer 14 different sizes from 3.5x5 to 11x14 for small prints.

All you have to do is go to and use the easy ROES ordering software to place your order. Most orders ship in 48 hours or less.

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